Befriend your blockages | Motivators & loving guardians

Blockade Blockage

Befriend your blockages | Motivators & loving guardians

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What is a blockage?

A blockage blocks. It stands in the way. We cannot continue on our chosen path as we had envisioned. A goal, a desire, or something important to us cannot be achieved. This could relate to relationships, professional endeavors, or any kind of personal resolutions. A blockage implies a specific goal. Even within our body or energy system, a blockage can exist. Here, the goal would be “free flow.” The blockage prevents something from flowing freely.

Effects of a blockage

It’s understandable that being blocked can cause frustration. When something stands in our way, we feel as if we are being prevented from reaching a goal. Psychologically, the emotions of anger and rage are traced back to two main sources: 1. Something important to us is threatened, or 2. We are being hindered from achieving something significant.

According to recent study from Lench et. al (2023) anger serves us in some cases: “With a goal to
protect financial resources, anger increased action taken to prevent loss compared to a physiological arousal

In Psychology Today, we find a similar statement: “It [anger] wakes us up and motivates us to take action to protect ourselves and other people.” 

So being blocked can indeed make us angry! And that anger sometimes serves a purpose! It can help us reconnect with what´s really meaningful to us and motivate us to take action. 

Remove the blockage!

The common approach in modern coaching is to remove blockages. Anything that blocks us should be eliminated because it stands in our way! This can be beneficial, for instance, if we find ourselves in a self-sabotage loop, repeatedly using the blockage as an “excuse” to avoid stepping out of our comfort zone. So a blockage might prevent us from facing our fears and tapping into our courage.

However, the mindset of removing any blockage may not always be the ultimate solution and can even be harmful. The constant drive for progress in the coaching industry often overlooks this nuance.

Stress & anger due to unresolved blockages

A dear friend of mine had long aimed to pass the alternative practitioner exam. Time and again, she postponed it. Life brought other priorities to the surface, distracting her from diving into the study material. She became frustrated (see above) and eventually developed a strong anger towards herself: “I feel totally blocked. I know I want this, but I just can’t seem to make it happen!” She was angry at herself.

Recently, after a move and many changes in her life, she shared with me how grateful she was that she hadn’t taken the exam earlier. She had become a successful project manager, felt she was in the right place, and was highly motivated. Looking back, she realized that the tasks associated with the exam would have been a major overload at that time: setting up a practice space, organizing the structure, networking, and defining her specialization. In fact, she mentioned that she might have missed out on many valuable experiences. She had learned so much (including about herself) and continued to grow.

The belief that a blockage is always negative and must be removed as quickly as possible can lead us to unintentionally create more blockages: it undermines our trust in the flow of life.

Self-anger and additional pressure we put on ourselves are not helpful. Likewise, a self-sabotage program and stagnation caused by clinging to a blockage aren’t either. We need to be a bit more nuanced. A blockage can be an obstacle that requires transformation, but it can also act as a loving guardian. Here, we can learn the art of acceptance.

Blockages as loving guardians

A blockage can protect us—from overwhelm and bad timing. We don’t always know why we are blocked in certain areas. Sometimes a blockage can act like a kind of security lock. Behind it lies a potential or possibility that might not yet be ready to unfold. We feel the pull, the longing, and the desire to access it, but the door simply won’t open! And—perhaps there is a good reason for that?

In my experience, our system is very smart. The inner universe possesses its own intelligence, beyond the mind’s grasp. What matters is how we interpret and understand the system intelligence of our inner universe with our rational mind. Out of fear or comfort, our ego may keep us stuck in stagnant waters, leading us astray. On the other hand, our ego can create pressure, generate anger, and push us to bypass ourselves and our developmental processes.

A blockage can also be a loving guardian, shielding us from falling into emotional and energetic overwhelm, which could lead to even greater blockages down the line.

Patience, trust & acceptance

Just as it can be important to actively address a blockage and work to resolve it, it can also be essential to accept it. Blockages don’t arise without reason; they serve a purpose. When that purpose is no longer relevant, our task is to avoid giving it new meaning by clinging to what blocks us. We must develop a willingness to release the blockage. The question is how we approach this process. What mindset do we bring to this inner work? Do we proceed with pressure and self-anger, or with patience, trust, and acceptance?

Acceptance can soften blockages, while pressure (like with a diamond) can harden them. This doesn’t mean we need to accept and “embrace” the blockage forever. Rather, through acceptance, we invite the energy of peace into our system and express our trust in the flow of life.

At the same time, we can continually reaffirm our clear intentions, staying aligned with our values, goals, and desires. Sometimes, even a blockage requires patience, trust, and acceptance. In the meantime, there are many other areas we can shape and focus on.

Focus on what works

Guruji Anand Krishna spoke some time ago in an insightful video about whether one can change their destiny. He wisely explained the different types of Karma: Prarabdha Karma (what is “set” and cannot be changed), Sanchita Karma (the accumulated karma that can still be altered until it bears fruit), and Agami Karma (the current actions, the seeds we plant now, which will bear fruit immediately or later). Only about 10% of what we experience in life is unchangeable (Prarabdha Karma), while the rest can be shaped by our free will.

When applied to the topic of blockages, this means there is so much in our lives that we can freely shape in any given moment, where we can exert influence through our free will. A blockage might subjectively rob us of the control we wish to have (our potential and possibilities). But the question is, what do we choose to focus on: On what is possible and makes sense, or the security lock that simply won’t open?

Wishing you a good choice by answering that question,
gentleness with yourself and others, and wise decisions along the way,

Yours, Kristina


If you’re considering being accompanied through the mirror process of inner work, you can book a free preliminary talk in my booking calendar at the top right of this page or below this entry.

The model assumptions are based on years of professional observation, personal experience, and knowledge from psychoanalysis, psychodynamics, and developmental psychology. For more information, please refer to the Copyright notice. The articles, including assumptions and hypotheses, may be shared freely, but please always provide attribution (my name and the website).

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